A Learning Platform to Build Proficiency in English, Technology and Social Enterprise 

to Improve Quality of Life and to Advance Peaceful Co-Existence in Our Global Community

By Gabe Hamda, SPHR

President & CEO, ICATT Professional Services

International Circle

A Learning Platform for Proficiency in English, Technology and Social Enterprise 


What is I-Circle?

Before defining I-Circle, I want to shout out to our team and to youtube.

  • It is a platform for English proficiency, technology and social enterprise.  
  • The platform is available anytime, anywhere and to all.  
  • Available to individual, family and community


Why I-Circle?

It was originally inspired as a gift to Hamda Gojamo elementary school in rural Ethiopia, which is dedicated to my father, for his legacy as an inclusive community builder, where no one is left out and left behind.  


Intended to contribute to improving quality of life and to peaceful coexistence.  


To inspire a view of benefitting self, while benefiting others. Doing good and doing well.


How can one access and use I-Circle?

Access at www.icatt.net/icircle

Immediately and courageously practice what you learn.

Use what we offer as a starting point and learn more on your own.

We are going to make enhancements, check back more often for more enhanced versions.  


Introduction and Background

International Circle is a learning platform to build proficiency in English, Technology and Social Enterprise.  The platform is available to individuals and  community groups to improve quality of life and to achieve peaceful co-existence in our global community with one person and one community at a time. The platform is Free,  adaptable, interactive. Hands-on, self-paced, online, virtual and available on-demand. 


International Circle is one of the signature programs of ICATT Professional Services.  ICATT commits to develop, enhance and deploy the program.  The program is inspired by the Hamda Gojjamo Elementary School in rural Ethiopia, Arsi Zone.  The elementary school is dedicated to the late Hamda Gojjamo for his commitment to education, inclusive community and economic justice.  The prototype of International Circle will be installed at the Hamda Gojjamo Elementary School.  In honor of Hamda Gojjamo, the program will be made available to the global community because Hamda Gojjamo always reached out and positively touched people beyond his immediate family and beyond his immediate community. 


International Circle platform consists of:

  • English Language Proficiency
  • Technology Proficiency
  • Social Enterprise Proficiency


As part of its Virtual Career Academy, ICATT is developing International Circle, a free interactive, smart, self-paced, online and virtual learning platform consisting of 3 modules: (1) English Language Proficiency (2) Technology Proficiency (3) Social Enterprise Proficiency.


ICATT Professional Services is a social enterprise with a purpose of creating jobs in our community by enhancing employability and strengthening job creators? (www.icatt.net) 


English Proficiency 

as a Source of Economic Advantage


What do you mean by English proficiency?

  • speaking with fluency
  • Expressing self with in writing
  • Accent Reduction
  • Use accurate grammar


How does English proficiency contribute to an economic advantage

We live in an increasingly interconnected and increasingly intimate global community, which is made possible due  to advances in Information Communication Technology (ICT).  

This is giving instant access to jobs and marketplace opportunities to individuals, families and communities. 


English proficiency an essential door opener for for job and business opportunities in this global marketplace.  

English is the native language of technology and computer coding.  


How does this affect non-English national and or native languages.  

English is recommended as an add on to one's national and or native languages.

National and or native languages must flourish because they contain special codes of civilization, insights, wisdom, knowledge that are needed for our human existence, prosperity and peace.  

We all have God given human capacity to be fluent in multiple languages.


What is the best strategy for implementing English proficiency campaign?  

  • Believe in your ability to get started and get it done.  
  • Be bold while practicing.  
  • Liberally use YouTube as a source of more information and more learning. 


Why is English proficiency the source of economic advantage?


According to the world economic forum, the interaction between English proficiency and gross national income per capita is a virtuous cycle, with improving English skills driving up salaries, which in turn give governments and individuals more money to invest in language training. On a micro level, improved English skills allow individuals to apply for better jobs and raise their standards of living.


A study into the economic impact of learning English in developing countries has concluded that the language can increase the earning power of individuals by around 25% and that developing economies need access to English if they are to grow and position themselves in the global economy.


For more information on this subject, please refer to these resources





In conclusion, we live in an increasingly diverse world, where our world population communicates in multiple languages. We respect people’s rights to communicate and express themselves in their own national and or native languages. We are even more for the growth and advancement of national and or native languages. Why? Each language is packed with civilization, culture, wisdom, insights and know-how that are beneficial for the people who are associated with these languages. Each language is a gift to the global community because all the virtues of each language enrich and expand our understanding and our life.  The case for developing English proficiency is in addition to one’s own national and or native language not in lieu of.  Why? As humans, we have the capacity to be fluent and proficient in multiple languages. 


International Circle strives to enable individuals and communities to build their English language proficiency to compete on a global stage to improve quality of life and to achieve peaceful co-existence with others in our global community with one person and one community at a time. 


Technology (AKA: Information Communication Technology) Proficiency an Economic Advantage


What is technology proficiency?

Technology proficiency means self-transformation from mere technology consumer to mastery of the inner workings of technology.  This means producing youtube and not only watching it.  Making games instead of playing them.  Making movies instead of just watching them.  Addicted technology consumers gradually broke while technology makers get richer.  


How does technology proficiency contribute to economic advantage?

Ability to create jobs.  

Accelerate work efficiency.  

Helping us do things to improve human quality of life by collaborating with us and not replace us.   


What are strategies for implementing technology proficiency? 

  • Free and or low cost classes are abundantly available for self motivated people.  
  • Ability to gain proficiency in very short period of time 
  • Focus on accumulating practice and building professional portfolios instead of just certificates and credentials.   


Why is Technology (AKA ICT- Information Communications Technology) proficiency an economic advantage?


Information communications technology (ICT) is one of the fastest growing industries – directly creating millions of jobs. It is also an important enabler of innovation and development.


According to the world economic forum, five advantages of Technology are: (1) Direct Job Creation (2) Contribution to Economic (AKA: GDP) growth. (3) Emergence of new services and industries (4) Workforce transformation (5) Business innovation.


Technology encompasses a huge body of knowledge and tools that ease the use of economic resources as a way to produce goods and services efficiently and innovatively. Technological progress is essential to economic growth and development, and the more advanced the technology available, the more quickly the local and global economy can improve. 


For more information on the economic advantages of technology proficiency, please refer to these resources:





In conclusion, in today’s interconnected world, technology has enabled virtual connections, where all people and all communities that are physically far apart are now virtually connected. All of us are now consumers and end users of technology.  The technology program in International Circle provides the bridge to technology training to build the basic proficiency in technology with a goal to develop advanced know-how in technology.   


International Circle strives to enable individuals and communities to use technology to improve quality of life and to achieve peaceful co-existence with others in our global community with one person and one community at a time. 


Social Enterprises 

Create a Better Society to Do Good and to Do Well


What is a social enterprise?

  • A social enterprise is an organization that is dedicated sot doing good and doing well.  
  • Using entrepreneurial methods to address social societal and environmental challenges.  
  • Equally benefits society and the entrepreneur.
  • Fastest growing type of organization combining the best traits of for profits, nonprofits and government organizations.  

What are the benefits of social enterprises?

  • Create alignment between for profit and societal and environmental benefits.  
  • More profits and more social benefits 
  • Grow jobs
  • Accelerate economic growth


What are strategies for advancing social enterprises

  • Raise awareness and know how about social enterprises through platforms such as this one.  
  • Advocacy to ensure there are governmental policies that incentivize the growth of social enterprises.  
  • Engage youth and college students to assume leaderships.  Youth tend to be drawn to social justice and economic justice causes that can be achieved through social enterprises.  
  • Access to funding and microloan opportunities.


What is Social Enterprise and why is it an  important advantage for economic development of an individual and a community?


A social enterprise is a cause-driven business improving social objectives and serving the common good.


Social Enterprises are companies that aim to make a profit and solve a human or environmental problem at the same time. They combine goodwill and profit to solve the world's most important problems. They often combine the best parts of what non-profits and regular companies have to offer.


A social enterprise or social business is defined as a business that has specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose. Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and the environment. Their profits are principally used to fund social programs. In other words, social enterprises strive to balance doing good (positively contribute to societal benefit) while doing well (make money and be profitable).


Unlike most nonprofits which rely on grants and donations, social enterprises embrace financial support and for-profit opportunities to earn more sustainable revenue. A successful social enterprise balances upholding the social mission of its organization and maximizing the productivity of its business venture to ensure sustainability.


A social enterprise is a fast emerging discipline that generates social impact through an entrepreneurial approach. It is vital for economic growth and inclusion, especially for developing economies. 


Specific benefits include:

(1) helps to boost a country’s economy, as well as its social fabric

(2) create jobs,

(3) provide innovative services and products

(4) promote sustainability and give hope for the future. 


According to the European Commission, the social entrepreneurship sector currently employs around 40 million people and engages over 200 million volunteers globally – and is growing.


For more information on social enterprises and the benefits of the same, please refer to these resources:






In conclusion, social enterprises combine the best in non-profits, government agencies and regular organizations. Social Enterprises are gaining popularity and progressively increasing around the world as a trending and emerging form of organization to make our world sustainable and a better place.


International Circle strives to build a practical know-how of social Enterprises and how this business model can be used to facilitate a positive transformation to improve quality of life and to achieve peaceful co-existence with others in our global community with one person and one community at a time. 


How Do We Implement I-Circle?

ICATT Professional Services as the home of International Circle


A Learning Platform to Build Proficiency in English, Technology & Social Enterprise


Free. SMART. Interactive. Self-Paced. Online. Virtual. 

On Demand.


What is ICATT Capability to house International Circle? 

  • We possess know how and experience.  
  • As a social enterprise, this is our calling.  
  • This program compliments our Virtual Career Academy and other ICATT offerings.  


What inspired ICATT to create I-Circle?

  • The Hamda Gojamo Legacy of Inclusive Community Development where no one is left out and no none is left behind.  
  • Inspired by love for the wellbeing and peaceful living of others. 
  • The commitment and passion of our team for a good cause.


What is the ICATT strategy for implementing this program?

  • on iterative basis.  Step by step.  
  • Make enhancements based on experience over time
  • Make a gift to the global community


Closing Remarks

International Circle is a learning platform to build proficiency in English, Technology and Social Enterprise.  The platform is available for individuals and  local communities to improve quality of life and to achieve peaceful co-existence with others in our global community with one person and one community at a time. 


We trust the preceding article demonstrates the potent values and benefits of each of the targeted proficiencies for local economic development and empowerment.


We believe the synergy that is created by combining these three proficiencies will accelerate the positive effect for a local community.


As a social enterprise, ICATT Professional Services is committed to deploy and enhance the International Center as our  gift of love to the global community. The ICATT tent is always open to those who wish to collaborate with us to make this a reality and to make our world a better place with one community at a time.